Neurotechnology revolutionizes healthcare by using technology to interface with the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, to enhance human cognition and physical abilities. This field encompasses a wide range of technologies such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), neural implants, neuroprosthetics, neurofeedback and neurostimulation.

BCIs, for example, allow people with paralysis to control devices with their thoughts by decoding neural signals from the brain. This technology improves the quality of life for those living with paralysis and other debilitating conditions.

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is another example of how neurotechnology improves healthcare. DBS uses electrical stimulation to activate specific areas of the brain, controlling tremors and other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Neuroprosthetics replace or augment missing or damaged body parts, such as prosthetic limbs controlled by signals from the brain, improving the quality of life for amputees.

Neurofeedback uses technology to measure brain activity and provide real-time feedback, allowing people to control specific aspects of their own brain activity. This improves mental health.

Neurostimulation uses electrical or magnetic stimulation to activate or inhibit specific areas of the nervous system to improve cognitive or physical function. It can improve memory, focus and even help with depression.

It really holds enormous potential for improving human health and well-being. With ongoing research and development, we can expect to see more breakthroughs in the near future.

Below are companies that are working on various aspects of neurotechnology and other related technologies